Wednesday 6 January 2016

Letterbox fire guard

Anti-Arson Mailboxes and Letterboxes Anti-arson letterboxes and fireproof mail bags eliminate the threat of arson by containing any flammable liquid poured through the letterbox. Most models have an integrated automatic fire extinguisher to extinguish the flames. Extra Security Prevents Arson Attacks.

A letterbox is a necessary evil - You need it. Fire Protective Mailboxes Fire Protection Shop supply the full range of Anti-Arson Mailboxes.

Mailsafe is the solution to the ever increasing crime, protects the letterbox the only part of a building which is left open hours a day. The Mailguard Fire Protection Bag covers the inside of your letterbox, catching any items or objects that are pushed through the letterbox such as fireworks, petrol and matches. Mail and genuine items can be removed using the zip at bottom of the bag.

It further revealed that had our anti arson letterbox not been present, all of the arson attacks considered in the tests could have caused ignition of the contents behind the door (e.g. ignition of a floor covering, curtains or even wall coverings) and almost certainly would have resulted in a major fire. HomeGUARD Letterbox Safety Device Fire Tested The HomeGUARD will also help to protect mail against unwanted attention from inside the house, such as that of dogs and small children. Letterbox security locks and letterbox guards are available to help reduce the risk of arson, fishing through the lock and lock bumping.

All fire doors which require a letterbox function (such as front or external doors) must feature a fire -retardant letterbox system in order to maintain their purpose.

Fire Retardant Letterboxes There are various types of fire retardant letterboxes – most commonly intumescent letterbox systems and anti-arson letterboxes. The Fireproof letterbox contains a small polymer tube filled with Ozone-Friendly FE-which will extinguish any fire within seconds, AND prevent it from re-igniting! Free Delivery on Eligible Orders!

The Visor Guard helps prevent anyone reaching in through the letterbox to unlock the door or even to see much if they just try and peek in because they can only look downwards. Care must be taken with letter box liners that the door is of solid construction in the core. Complete your home with our great range of letter boxes online at BQ. The letterbox guard is effectively a security Letterbox Cowl which fits over the inside of the letterbox on your street door.

The product is designed to. A visor guard will protect you against the latest trend of criminals to try and fish house and car keys left near your door, by using hooks on a line that go through your letter box. Securing your front door, specifically your letterbox , is a sure fire way to protect yourself against this type of crime. Keep your letterbox as secure as possible by using things like a cowl visor guard , a letterbox restricor and a letterbox lock which allows you to lock your letterbox when not in use whilst still being able to release the lock to receive letters as normal.

Thieves also try and evalua. Index of PDFs: Product Datasheets, COSSH Data and Installation Guides - Astroflame Passive Fire Protection. HomeGUARD is an ideal product for protection against anti-social behaviour such as fireworks and other ignition sources being introduced through the letterbox.

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Young arms that can fit through the letterbox are sometimes able to unlock a night latch. Etsy has thousands of handcrafted and vintage products that perfectly fit what you’re searching for. Discover all the extraordinary items our community of craftspeople have to offer and find the perfect gift for your loved one (or yourself!) today.

Complete Fire suites with Surroun Mantle, Hearth and Electric fire included. Compact and larger suites available to suit your living room. An anti-arson letterbox also guards against pets (or children) getting to and destroying your post! You can also relax knowing that little fingers (or paws) are safe from getting trapped.

Letter Box Guard , Visor Guard , Letter Box Guard , Letterbox Cover. When searching for a letterbox use our filters to define the type of door whether upvc, aluminium, timber or composite and then work down to the individual details. The Astro eco telescopic letterbox system range is specifically designed to increase the safety and security of occupants against fire and is particularly suited to multiple occupancy residential buildings. GUARD Protects your Post, Protects your Property, Protects YOU! The MailGUARD range of products are tested and trusted by over of the U. Fast Track Delivery and Collection Available.

The letterbox unit come completely installed to the steel door and are fully draught and weather proof. The letterboxes have silver anodized aluminium flaps on both sides of the door for added security and come complete with a full brush strip on the inside of the unit. In addition to this the letterbox is also Anti-Vandal with numerous security features. Often referred to as letter boxes or letter plates, they come in many different colours and sizes.

In the modern day the most popular types are uPVC letter boxes. Through years of use they often become worn out or broken requiring you to look for a replacement uPVC letterbox. Constructed from fully welded mild steel with powder coated. Guarding against unauthorised use of letterbox and providing protection from the weather. Our system incorporates an electronic timer for automatic control of the opening and closing.

Perfect for any bank of letterboxes that need protection from vandals. Home Secure patented hidden fix letterbox guard. The Safetots Original Fire Guard with extension is the widest child safety tested fire guard available in the UK.

It uses a unique multi-clip connector system to ensure maximum stability and security and fits larger fire places and hearths, up to 214cm.

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